Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Review: Cucumber Peel off Mask!


So who doesn't love their skin feeling soft?! I've discovered one of the many masks that are very inexpensive and that can be used on an everyday basis and is perfect for all skin types. This particular mask is a Peel-off mask and is made of the main ingredients as cucumber. Cucumber as many as you know have the same pH as the skin so they help restore the protective acid mantle–they also possess hydrating, nourishing and astringent properties.
Cucumber is also known to improve the complexion and health of the skin, plus cucumber’s high water content makes it naturally hydrating—a must for glowing skin. This peel-off Mask is one of the best i've ever used and its less than 4 CAD in Walmart and other drugstores.
Moving on to the peel-off mask itself, it's quite sticky as shown above. As soon as you squeeze it out, you have to apply it directly onto a clean face and rub it down quickly so that it covers most of the face. You can apply a thick layer if you wish but a thin layer is just as fine Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes or until the mask dries on your face. Peel it off immediately and see the results of how your skin starts to glow. I would recommend moisturizing your face right after and let it settle into the skin. You can use this everyday as it's not harsh for your skin at all before nighttime and let it work its magic. Since it's peel-off you don't really need to rinse your face after.
My Skin has never felt so refreshed, energized and glowing (without applying any makeup). I usually just put on some eyeliner and mascara and some lipstick and i'm good the whole day. (No foundations or concealers for me :))
Would you like to try out this product as well? Let me know if it worked wonders for you as well

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