Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Review : Green Bar Moisturizing Oil

I received this product in the Glambox of July here in the UAE. I gotta admit when i first got this product I was really skeptical to try it. The thought of having oily and greasy product on my dry skin was not appealing to me at all. I use oil based on my hair because my hair is so fine,dry and brittle. It works like a charm on me so I decided to give this a go and i am so proud of the results!.
You need a tiny bit of this product on your body and it has many positive results. My skin has never looked more dewy, glowy or smooth. I am absolutely in love with this product and I highly recommend to try it if you get your hands on this.

This product is high in oleic acid which supports the  skin's elasticity and resilience which leaves your skin feeling non-greasy and deeply nourished whilst allowing the skin to breathe all at the same time. Pretty cool right?

Let's look at some pros and cons!

- Feels Non-greasy when applied on your skin.
- Gives your skin this beautiful glowing and radiant skin.
- Stimulates The Lymphatic System, combats cellulite (Definitely a plus point for me) and 
   helps to prevent stretch marks.
- Doesn't linger onto clothes or the bedsheets or anything like that.

- The Scent is a bit too strong for my liking. (strong Citrusy / Grapefruit smell)
- Only Available in the Middle East at the moment.

Overall, I absolutely love this product and i highly recommend it.  I'm not too sure how it work on oily skin type people,  Although it says it works with all skin types.

Has anyone tried this one yet? What are your thoughts, Concerns.? 

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